The research of Gavin B. Rens on cognitive computational systems
Wang, W.-C., Marra, G., Rens, G., De Raedt, L. (2023): Safe reinforcement learning via probabilistic logic shields. Proceedings of Thirty-Second Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023), 5739-5749.
Price, C.S., Moodley, D., Pillay, A.W. and Rens, G.B. (2022): An adaptive, probabilistic, cognitive agent architecture for modelling sugarcane growers’ operational decision-making. South African Computer Journal 34(1), 152–191.
Boone, I. and Rens, G. (2022). Learning Optimal Behavior in Environments with Non-stationary Observations. In Proceedings of the 14th Intl. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 3 (ICAART 2022), pages 729-736.
G., Rens, Wang, W.-C., G., De Raedt, L. (2021): Learning Probabilistic Temporal Safety Properties from Examples in Relational Domains. Preprint.
Rens, G.; Raskin, J-F.; Reynouard, R. and Marra, G.(2021). Online Learning of non-Markovian Reward Models.In Proceedings of the 13th Intl. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 2, pages 74-86.
Maoujoud, D., Rens, G. (2020): Reputation-driven Decision-making in Networks of Stochastic Agents. Proceedings of BNAIC/BENELEARN 2020, 155-169.
Rens, G., Meyer, T., Kern-Isberner, G., Nayak, A. (2018): Probabilistic Belief Revision via Similarity of Worlds Modulo Evidence. Forty-first German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2018), pages 343-356.
Rens, G., Nayak, A., Meyer, T. (2018): Maximizing Expected Impact in an Agent Reputation Network. Forty-first German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2018), pages 99-106.
Rens, G., Meyer, T. (2018): Probabilistic Belief Update via Mixing Endogenous Actions and Exogenous Events. Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning, pages 41-54.
Rens, G., Meyer, T., Moodley, D. (2017): A Stochastic Belief Management Architecture for Agent Control. IJCAI workshop on Architectures for Generality and Autonomy (AGA).
Adeleke, J., Moodley, D., Rens, G., Adewumi, A. (2017): Integrating Statistical Machine Learning in a Semantic Sensor Web for Proactive Monitoring and Control. Sensors, 17(4), 807.
Rens, G., Moodley, D. (2017): A hybrid POMDP-BDI agent architecture with online stochastic planning and plan caching. Journal of Cognitive Systems Research, 43, January 2017, 1-20.
Rens, G., Meyer, T. Casini, G. (2016): On Revision of Partially Specified Convex Probabilistic Belief Bases. Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (285), (IOS Press), The Hague, The Netherlands, August 2016, 921-929.
Rens, G., Kern-Isberner, G. (2016): An Approach to Qualitative Belief Change Modulo Ontic Strength. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe 2016).
Rens, G. (2016): A Stochastic Belief Change Framework with an Observation Stream and Defaults as Expired Observations. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Defeasible and Ampliative Reasoning (DARe 2016).
Rens, G., Meyer, T. Casini, G. (2016): Revising Incompletely Specified Convex Probabilistic Belief Bases. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), Eds. Kern-Isberner, G. and Wassermann, R. Cape Town, South Africa, April 2016, 133-142.
Rens, G. (2016): On Stochastic Belief Revision and Update and their Combination. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), Eds. Kern-Isberner, G. and Wassermann, R. Cape Town, South Africa, April 2016, 123-132.
Rens, G., Meyer, T. (2015): A New Approach to Probabilistic Belief Change. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth International Florida AI Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-28), Russell, I. and Eberle, W. (AAAI Press), Hollywood, Florida, USA, May, 2015, 582-587.
Rens, G., Meyer, T., Lakemeyer, G. (2015): A Modal Logic for the Decision-Theoretic Projection Problem. Proceedings of the Seventh Intl. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2015), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Revised Selected Papers, Eds. Duval, B., Van den Herik, J. (Springer-Verlag), Lisbon, Portugal, January, 2015, 3-19.
Rens, G., Meyer, T. (2015): Hybrid POMDP-BDI: An Agent Architecture with Online Stochastic Planning and Desires with Changing Intensity Levels. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Revised Selected Papers, Eds. Duval, B., Van den Herik, J. (Springer-Verlag), Lisbon, Portugal, January, 2015, 79-99.
Rens, G. (2015): Speeding up Online POMDP Planning: Unification of Observation Branches by Belief-state Compression via Expected Feature Values. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), Vol. 2, Eds. Duval, B., Van den Herik, J. (SCITEPRESS Digital Library), Lisbon, Portugal, January, 2015, 241-246.
Rens, G., Meyer, T., Lakemeyer, G. (2014): A logic for specifying stochastic actions and observations. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Eds. Beierle, C., Meghini, C. (Springer-Verlag), Bordeaux, France, March 2014, 305-323.
Rens, G., Meyer, T., Lakemeyer, G. (2014): SLAP: Specification logic of actions with probability. Journal of Applied Logic, 12(2), Eds. Gabbay, D., Kraus, S., Siekmann, J. (Elsevier), 128-150.
Rens, G., Ferrein, A. (2013): Belief-node condensation for online POMDP algorithms. Proceedings of IEEE AFRICON 2013, Ed. Soyjaudah, S. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.), Mauritius, September 2013, 1270-1274.
Rens, G., Meyer, T., Lakemeyer, G. (2013): On the logical specification of probabilistic transition models. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Eds. Michael, L., Ortiz, C., Johnston, B. (Commonsense Reasoning), Ayia Napa, Cyprus, May 2013.
Rens, G., Lakemeyer, G., Meyer, T. (2012): A logic for specifying agent actions and observations with probability. Proceedings of the Sixth Starting AI Researchers’ Symposium (STAIRS 2012), volume 241 of Frontiers in Articial Intelligence and Applications, Eds. Kersting, K., Toussaint, M. (IOS Press), Montpellier, France, August 2012, 252-263.
Rens, G., Varzinczak, I., Meyer, T., Ferrein, A. (2010): A logic for reasoning about actions and explicit AI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the Twenty-third Australasian Joint Conference, volume 6464 of LNAI, Ed. Li, J. (Springer Verlag), December 2010, 395-404.
Rens, G., Ferrein, A., Van der Poel, E. (2009): A BDI Agent Architecture for a POMDP Planner. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Eds. Lakemeyer, G., Morgenstern, L., Williams, M-A. (UTSe Press), Toronto, Canada, May 2009, 109-114.
Rens, G., Ferrein, A., Van der Poel, E. (2008): Extending DTGolog to Deal with POMDPs. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa, Ed. Nicolls, F. (UCT Press), Cape Town, South Africa, November 2008, 49-54.